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Saturday, August 31, 2024


 -Being a Dungeon Master in the quasi-medieval milieau since 1981, I've heard quite a lot of medieval horse manure. One of them that I'd hear again and again is the idea that "guys had it better". I just saw a crude comment on someone's post by a seeming "activist" type person moaning about history. That is like saying everyone today owns a rocket. "Historians" love to lie by using the "historic magazine/website fluff article ace in the hole" magic words "few","some" and "others". Anyway, I'm just tired of the idea that fantasy women would realistically be washer women. This is a big misconception. The adventurer is always an exceptional cut above all in any form. The minute that the pencil goes to paper to make your fantasy character is the moment your fictional character is different from the everyday type people who shy away from the dangers. Fantasy "feeling" enthusiasts need to get it through ytheir heads. Males and females are equal in the scope of coordinated adventure. Players who play/run games with zero decorum and devolve into questioning sexual roles to justify their stanky gameplay should be noted then avoided. Howard's "Belit" should be the standard female fantasy adventurer and not Tolkien 's "Eowyn". Not to say one couldn't have either but "Belit", as this fantastic unexpected persona, is the ideal.

1 comment:

  1. Eowyn, no. LĂșthien or Galadriel before she settled down with Teleporno, sure.


Say whatever you want its no big deal. Thanks, Gene