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Saturday, August 31, 2024


 -Being a Dungeon Master in the quasi-medieval milieau since 1981, I've heard quite a lot of medieval horse manure. One of them that I'd hear again and again is the idea that "guys had it better". I just saw a crude comment on someone's post by a seeming "activist" type person moaning about history. That is like saying everyone today owns a rocket. "Historians" love to lie by using the "historic magazine/website fluff article ace in the hole" magic words "few","some" and "others". Anyway, I'm just tired of the idea that fantasy women would realistically be washer women. This is a big misconception. The adventurer is always an exceptional cut above all in any form. The minute that the pencil goes to paper to make your fantasy character is the moment your fictional character is different from the everyday type people who shy away from the dangers. Fantasy "feeling" enthusiasts need to get it through ytheir heads. Males and females are equal in the scope of coordinated adventure. Players who play/run games with zero decorum and devolve into questioning sexual roles to justify their stanky gameplay should be noted then avoided. Howard's "Belit" should be the standard female fantasy adventurer and not Tolkien 's "Eowyn". Not to say one couldn't have either but "Belit", as this fantastic unexpected persona, is the ideal.

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Audio/Video Of Yours Truly (Broken Links Fixed)

 Some one posted on Dragonsfoot that the video that I did for 2021 GaryCon was down but I  fixed:

Here is the link to the link of more chatter with Settembrini and crew:

I also have the Gary 2008 tribute game on Rumble (YouTube does not allow the background music but Rumble allows if I call it "parody". Which it is... uh... ;) ):

Friday, February 10, 2023


 While still astral in nature, these "waylayers" are somewhat leaning earthbound in a way that is less planar than their counterparts dwelling "above".

ASTRAG (Starry Lady)

FREQUENCY: Very rare
MOVE: 12”/24” (MC: B)
% IN LAIR: 0%
ALIGNMENT: Neutral evil
   Attack/defense modes: Nil
X.P. VALUE: 65/+2/hp

   Distantly related to dungeon sirens, these undead monsters appear only on very clear nights when the stars are bright. They appear as the outline of beautiful women. They will attack if approached within 15 feet. They magnify the light of the stars to give off the energy of suns. The effect is equivalent to a 6d6 fireball with a 30-foot diameter blast radius.


MOVE: 3”
% IN LAIR: Nil
NO. OF ATTACKS: 6 per 10 feet area
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic (evil)
SIZE: L (100 feet long)
   Attack/defense modes: Nil
X.P. VALUE: 4550 + 16/hp

The mouth of the hall crawler appears like a dungeon entrance with a demonic mouth. Any character unlucky enough to get in the mouth past 20 feet will be sprayed by acid from the “ceiling.” This acid attack inflicts 8-32 points of damage (save versus death for half damage). They can move into the Astral Plane in 1 turn if left alone. They search for dungeons that are not too desolate to feed. They prefer lawful targets.


MOON WOLF (Canis Lunus)

MOVE: 18”/18” (In moonbeam; see below)
% IN LAIR: 5%
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Surprise on a 1-5
ALIGNMENT: Lawful evil
   Attack/defense modes: Nil
X.P. VALUE: 85+4/hp

This strange wolf attacks in packs but never alone. They will appear on moonlit nights and can run in the air wherever there is light from the moon. Because these creatures are on the verge of the Astral Plane they can see into the Astral or Prime Material Plane. When they appear in the Prime Material Plane (or Astral, rarely), they appear as a beam of light coming from the moon with wolves running down to attack. If they retreat into the moonbeam and are followed, the pursuers may become stuck in the verge of the Astral Plane unless they have spells. They can also slay the wolves which will temporarily open a gate back to the Prime Material Plane.

 They appear as great gray wolves with the state of the moon always reflecting in their eyes.


Tuesday, February 7, 2023


This series always comes in two parts: AS ABOVE... (Planes) mirrored by ...SO BELOW (Earth). This particular set has to do with the Astral plane so the earthbound monsters will be more planar than usual. 

   The Astral Plane is a highway to the beyond. Like any highway, it has its share of “highwaymen.” (Most of the following beings have no relation to each other but are loosely grouped under this heading for convenience.)


MINE MAIDEN (Dungeon Siren)

% IN LAIR: 5%
MOVE: 12 feet/36 feet
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-3/1-3/1-4 or by weapon
ALIGNMENT: Neutral evil
   Attack/defense modes: C, E/F, G
X.P. VALUE: 280 + 5/hp


 These creatures appear as beautiful women and may be distantly related to nymphs. Although fairy-like in form they are of darkest evil. They originate from planes of evil but they are seldom found there. They are abroad usually in the prima materia and lead the unwary to their doom, lost in the Astral Plane. They are found in the darkest places of the earth like caverns, dungeons, mines, rifts, sewers, and sometimes in the deepest waters of the blackest seas.

    They are golden-haired and are of unearthly beauty. When they first appear they are aglow in a shaft of golden solar radiance emanating from what appears to be a clear path to the outside world. This path is a portal to the Astral Plane. The light is produced by an astral phenomenon known as a “death door,” which is usually “guarded“ by other beings (see apollyon q.v. or other death-type creatures). These beings can only open these “death doors” in the darkest places, mentioned above, because of the scarcity of living beings in these areas, hence the lack of security. The mine maidens dance and frolic gaily, throwing petals at and around the victim. If any petals touch the skin of the victim they must save versus spells or be enchanted with a false sense of rejuvenation (wounds seem healed, ailments and disease seem cured, quests fulfilled, worries melting away, etc.). When the victim enters the door the maidens seem to catch them from falling into an endless sea of stars. All the while they are picking the victim’s pockets as a 5th level thief with a 10% “race bonus“ (60%). Once something is procured from the victim and/or the light of the “death door” goes out (closing and disappearing in 2-3 rounds) the victim is dropped into the endless stars. From there they may never return. Continued resistance may result in melee. If this occurs the maidens will reveal their true facial features as hag-like, pulling +1 daggers from scabbards nicely disguised as a nosegay of flowers on their person.

   They can gate once per day.


HELLMOUTH (Dragon Daemon)

FREQUENCY: Very rare or uncommon
ARMOR CLASS: Head, tail (2); vortex body (-8)
MOVE: As per humanoid type
% IN LAIR: 80%
ALIGNMENT: Neutral evil
  Attack/defense modes: A, D/G, H
X.P. VALUE: 4550 + 16/hp

  The hellmouth, or “dragon daemon,” is an ultra-dimensional vortex to the underworld that is actually a being of the lower planes. It appears in the prima materia as a twenty-foot-high grotesque face with a gaping maw well over ten feet in height when extended. It breathes hellfire out of its mouth, targeting the hellmouth’s sole intended target. This breath weapon works similarly to the spiritwrack spell (1st save vs. spells or held, 2nd round loss of 1 hp per hit die, 3rd round the victim loses 50% of hp and is pulled into the maw of the hellmouth.). Victims taken (eaten) are channeled to whomever the creature serves, which usually is a nether being of at least “gentle” standing. The creature is usually sent by a nether lord to collect a reluctant, damned soul. This is usually “approved” by the forces of good so the hellmouth is limited in activities on terra firma. However, nothing stops it from wreaking havoc in the Astral and the various planes of the netherworld, where they hunt the unwary for sport, sending victims down to be trifled with by their current master.

   The hellmouth’s body, usually translucent, never enters prima materia. On the Astral or the planes of the underworld it appears as a channel of negative energy that has seemingly no end. Its “tail” permanently resides in the underworld. Those “damned” collected by a hellmouth will be ejected from the creature’s “tail end”. If there is activity in the vicinity of its endless body the head will eventually know and arrive in 1-20 turns.



MOON MEN (Moon Monster)

NO. APPEARING: 1 or 3-30
MOVE: 12 feet/40 feet
% IN LAIR: 80%
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 4-16 or by weapon
ALIGNMENT: Lawful evil
SIZE: L (12 feet or 50-foot diameter)
Attack/defense modes: A, B, C/G, H
X.P. VALUE: 3700 + 16/hp

   Moon men, also known as “moon monsters,” haunt the Astral Plane and appear there as creatures with lunar characteristics. They have two forms: one is a nightmarish crescent moon on a glistening black humanoid body, while the other a massive face on moon-like sphere. They sometimes appear in the prima materia in sphere form when the moon “contacts” the earth in a reflective surface, usually a large body of water. They often toy with sea-going vessels, sometimes bringing them to their accursed realm in the Astral. In sphere form, they project a massive sheet of darkness (100 yard radius by 1 foot thickness), blotting out the actual moon. They also project a star field of the same dimensions. They will then consternate attempts at nighttime navigation. Sometimes (5% chance) they will attempt to seize entire vessels by bringing them to the “moon.” (This effect is like a gate spell, but the “gate“ appears as a moon setting on the horizon.). In the Astral Plane, there is a mystical reflection of the actual moon. It is there that these and other entities reside: in a vast city of white that disappears and reappears piecemeal as the moon waxes and wanes. Stairs and entrances lead to nowhere during these “phases.” The more humanoid “crescent moon” form is what they prefer to “wear” in the endless swirling crescent streets of the city. They carry weaponry appearing much like lunar-patterned +3  guisarmes or +3 scimitars. Most victims will be brought to a vast arena to be eaten by various lycanthropes for the populace of moon monsters viewing pleasure or some other cruel fate.

   In addition to the above they have the following powers: detect invisibility, detect magic, levitate, and stinking cloud.

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Thursday, April 14, 2022


Castle Greyhawk to me is an enigma. For years reading Dragon Magazine there were these endless hints that it was coming soon and it was being worked on by him and Rob Kuntz. It was supposed to be the pinnacle of D&D gaming. The ultimate Dungeon & Dragons thing. That ended when Gary Gygax the legendary creative genius behind the D&D game was removed from working on the game ever again in 1985.

Years later in the year 2000, sadly I had asked Gary Gygax direct information on Castle Greyhawk and the answer was flat out: NO WAY

Gary said to me that it was something that he was going to publish so he couldn't share it with me yet to put on my "True Greyhawk" website then known as "GENENKAINEN'S FAN-BASTICH ADVENTURE" which was "anti-Greyhawk establishment" and pro-Gary. 

You can't talk about fans of Castle Greyhawk without sludging through the terrible history of Castle Greyhawk. This is the truth but only from my own perspective as a player of TSR products not necessarily the views of any of the people involved. 

I AM A FAN ONLY. An E. Gary Gygax fan. Ultimate fan? I don't think so but I'll try...

There were already published versions of Castle Greyhawk that were made without Gary Gygax's consent. One was called WG7 CASTLE GREYHAWK (1987) which I viewed as an all out attack on D&D fans by the Buck Rogers' people that technically "owned" TSR but had no clue as to what they stole. The presentation was crude as if former employee Gary and his Greyhawk crap was a joke. The backlash of WG7 ripped through gaming universe as a total cancellation of Greyhawk fans, at least to those who were paying attention like myself, so the new "Buck Rogers TSR" corporation scrambled to make an apology version which they published in 1990 as WGR1 GREYHAWK RUINS. It was too little too late and the feeling hung low. Greyhawk fandom continued like an abused person in a loveless marriage for years after this. Most stuff was histories and light gazetteers as people tried to hold on to what once was.

Way later, the new owners Hasbro toys tried to republish the 1990 WGR1 as updated to their new system (3.5 edition) when Gary independently tried to publish a version of Castle Greyhawk called CASTLE ZAGYG. With Gary falling ill the production slowed then its release was limited then cancelled by his estate after his passing. There was THE EASTMARK GAZETTEER (2007) and THE UPPER WORKS (2008) amongst publications which are hard to find because of the debacle. It is a really sore subject to many of the people that worked on it (Recently, I saw how hurtful this was to them.) and they and the publishers, Troll Lord Games, Gary liked working with TLG a lot, should get appreciated for that.

Alright that wasn't so bad... Internet reaction: ((((KABOOOOOMMM!!!!)))) Ouch! ;)

Seriously, the void of Castle Greyhawk has made me ponder from time to time in creative images and notes, as a fan of Castle Greyhawk, imagined what Castle Greyhawk might be like but in a very light way so that some lawyer doesn't break my spine... ;)

Someone said they had a photo of Gary playing the first level of Castle Greyhawk so I looked at it intensely then I made this map and later numbered it.

I then speculated about the history based on crap that I heard from Gary (Gygax) and Rob (Kuntz) so I tried to assemble what they were talking about by stacking the levels simply to imagine how big this dungeon was:

Then it was too simple because there were extra legendary levels. So I made an infographic as to what the levels were to the first 1974 levels:

Then I had wondered how this compared to the 2007 CASTLE ZAGYG layout they openly spoke of:

Then the last thing that I was looking at was using known sizes and basing it on the information from the Greyhawk Adventures/ Gord the Rogue 1987 story "HEART OF DARKNESS", in the anthology of short Gord Stories NIGHT ARRANT, when Gord went to Castle Greyhawk and paced his way in mentioning the sizes. So I made a 3D view of perhaps the first few dungeon are within the shell of the castle with the 13 levels from the 1974 version:

To further since I was never going to get a key of anything I had made a speculative view of what the random encounters would look like in Castle Greyhawk based on the original D&D random encounter charts. With the monsters that weren't included in the charts (Level dependent?) at the end:







Based on a party of 1-3 and number of group monsters (orcs, etc) will usually be in equal amounts (party of 10-12 would draw 10-12 gnolls). 


33.33% (ML1) Kobolds, Goblins, Skeleton, Orcs, Giant Rat, Centipede, Bandits/Berserkers, Spider, Stirges, Footpads, Dwarves/Elves, Gelatinous Cube

33.33% (ML2)Hobgoblins, Zombie, Lizard, Warriors, Conjurers, Robbers, Gnolls, Thoul, Ghoul, Berserkers, Theurgists, Burglars, Giant Toads/Ants, Bugbears, Carrion Crawler

16.66% (ML3)Wights, Heros, Giant Hogs, Giant Ants, Ochre Jelly, Thaumaturgists, Swashbucklers, Magicians, Giant Snakes/Giant Spiders, Giant Weasels/Hogs, Cutpurses, Sharpers, Harpies, Wererats, Giant Spiders

16.66% (ML4)Wraiths, Ogres, Evil Priests, Myrmidons, Giant Beetles, Giant Scorpions, Lycanthropes, Gargoyles, White Apes, Enchanters, Dopplegangers, Pilferers, Shadows, Carnivorous Apes, Owl Bears, Displacer Beasts, Blink Dogs, Phase Spiders, Giant Ticks, Will O’ Wisps, Rust Monsters 


16.66% (ML1) Kobolds, Goblins, Skeleton, Orcs, Giant Rat, Centipede, Bandits/Berserkers, Spider, Stirges, Footpads, Dwarves/Elves, Gelatinous Cube

 16.66% (ML2)Hobgoblins, Zombie, Lizard, Warriors, Conjurers, Robbers, Gnolls, Thoul, Ghoul, Berserkers, Theurgists, Burglars, Giant Toads/Ants, Bugbears, Carrion Crawler

 33.33% (ML3)Wights, Heros, Giant Hogs, Giant Ants, Ochre Jelly, Thaumaturgists, Swashbucklers, Magicians, Giant Snakes/Giant Spiders, Giant Weasels/Hogs, Cutpurses, Sharpers, Harpies, Wererats, Giant Spiders

 16.66%  (ML4)Wraiths, Ogres, Evil Priests, Myrmidons, Giant Beetles, Giant Scorpions, Lycanthropes, Gargoyles, White Apes, Enchanters, Dopplegangers, Pilferers, Shadows, Carnivorous Apes, Owl Bears, Displacer Beasts, Blink Dogs, Phase Spiders, Giant Ticks, Will O’ Wisps, Rust Monsters

 16.66% (ML5) Trolls, Ogre Magi, Superheroes/Paladins, Wyverns, Spectres, Mummies, Druids, Hell Hounds, Invisible Stalkers, Minotaurs, Manticores, Lammasu, Cockatrices, Sorcerers/Necromancers, Wyverns, Thieves, Salamanders, Hydra (6-8 Heads), Medusae, Umber Hulks, Rust Monsters, Giant Slug 


 16.66% (ML2)Hobgoblins, Zombie, Lizard, Warriors, Conjurers, Robbers, Gnolls, Thoul, Ghoul, Berserkers, Theurgists, Burglars, Giant Toads/Ants, Bugbears, Carrion Crawler

 16.66% (ML3)Wights, Heros, Giant Hogs, Giant Ants, Ochre Jelly, Thaumaturgists, Swashbucklers, Magicians, Giant Snakes/Giant Spiders, Giant Weasels/Hogs, Cutpurses, Sharpers, Harpies, Wererats, Giant Spiders

 33.33%  (ML4)Wraiths, Ogres, Evil Priests, Myrmidons, Giant Beetles, Giant Scorpions, Lycanthropes, Gargoyles, White Apes, Enchanters, Dopplegangers, Pilferers, Shadows, Carnivorous Apes, Owl Bears, Displacer Beasts, Blink Dogs, Phase Spiders, Giant Ticks, Will O’ Wisps, Rust Monsters

 16.66% (ML5) Trolls, Ogre Magi, Superheroes/Paladins, Wyverns, Spectres, Mummies, Druids, Hell Hounds, Invisible Stalkers, Minotaurs, Manticores, Lammasu, Cockatrices, Sorcerers/Necromancers, Wyverns, Thieves, Salamanders, Hydra (6-8 Heads), Medusae, Umber Hulks, Rust Monsters, Giant Slug

 16.66% (ML6) Giants, Titan, Hydra (9-12 heads), Golems, Dragons, Basilisks, Gorgons, Fire-Breathing Hydra, Chimeras, Vampires, Hell Hounds, Lords/Paladins, Balrogs, Beholders, Wizards(each will be accompanied by from 1-4 apprentices (Enchanters/Evil Priests) and 1-6 body-guards (levels 4-6) fighter-type.), Evil High Priests (each will be accompanied by from 1-4 apprentices (Enchanters/Evil Priests) and 1-6 body-guards (levels 4-6) fighter-type., Master Thieves, Lich, Purple Worms, Rust Monsters 


 16.66% (ML3)Wights, Heros, Giant Hogs, Giant Ants, Ochre Jelly, Thaumaturgists, Swashbucklers, Magicians, Giant Snakes/Giant Spiders, Giant Weasels/Hogs, Cutpurses, Sharpers, Harpies, Wererats, Giant Spiders

 33.33%  (ML4)Wraiths, Ogres, Evil Priests, Myrmidons, Giant Beetles, Giant Scorpions, Lycanthropes, Gargoyles, White Apes, Enchanters, Dopplegangers, Pilferers, Shadows, Carnivorous Apes, Owl Bears, Displacer Beasts, Blink Dogs, Phase Spiders, Giant Ticks, Will O’ Wisps, Rust Monsters

 33.33% (ML5) Trolls, Ogre Magi, Superheroes/Paladins, Wyverns, Spectres, Mummies, Druids, Hell Hounds, Invisible Stalkers, Minotaurs, Manticores, Lammasu, Cockatrices, Sorcerers/Necromancers, Wyverns, Thieves, Salamanders, Hydra (6-8 Heads), Medusae, Umber Hulks, Rust Monsters, Giant Slug

 16.66% (ML6) Giants, Titan, Hydra (9-12 heads), Golems, Dragons, Basilisks, Gorgons, Fire-Breathing Hydra, Chimeras, Vampires, Hell Hounds, Lords/Paladins, Balrogs, Beholders, Wizards(each will be accompanied by from 1-4 apprentices (Enchanters/Evil Priests) and 1-6 body-guards (levels 4-6) fighter-type.), Evil High Priests (each will be accompanied by from 1-4 apprentices (Enchanters/Evil Priests) and 1-6 body-guards (levels 4-6) fighter-type., Master Thieves, Lich, Purple Worms, Rust Monsters


 16.66% (ML3)Wights, Heros, Giant Hogs, Giant Ants, Ochre Jelly, Thaumaturgists, Swashbucklers, Magicians, Giant Snakes/Giant Spiders, Giant Weasels/Hogs, Cutpurses, Sharpers, Harpies, Wererats, Giant Spiders

 33.33%  (ML4)Wraiths, Ogres, Evil Priests, Myrmidons, Giant Beetles, Giant Scorpions, Lycanthropes, Gargoyles, White Apes, Enchanters,

 33.33% (ML5) Trolls, Ogre Magi, Superheroes/Paladins, Wyverns, Spectres, Mummies, Druids, Hell Hounds, Invisible Stalkers, Minotaurs, Manticores, Lammasu, Cockatrices, Sorcerers/Necromancers, Wyverns, Thieves, Salamanders, Hydra (6-8 Heads), Medusae, Umber Hulks, Rust Monsters, Giant Slug

 16.66% Giants, Titan, Hydra (9-12 heads), Golems, Dragons, Basilisks, Gorgons, Fire-Breathing Hydra, Chimeras, Vampires, Hell Hounds, Lords/Paladins, Balrogs, Beholders, Wizards(each will be accompanied by from 1-4 apprentices (Enchanters/Evil Priests) and 1-6 body-guards (levels 4-6) fighter-type.), Evil High Priests (each will be accompanied by from 1-4 apprentices (Enchanters/Evil Priests) and 1-6 body-guards (levels 4-6) fighter-type., Master Thieves, Lich, Purple Worms, Rust Monsters 


16.66%  (ML4)Wraiths, Ogres, Evil Priests, Myrmidons, Giant Beetles, Giant Scorpions, Lycanthropes, Gargoyles, White Apes, Enchanters,

33.33% (ML5) Trolls, Ogre Magi, Superheroes/Paladins, Wyverns, Spectres, Mummies, Druids, Hell Hounds, Invisible Stalkers, Minotaurs, Manticores, Lammasu, Cockatrices, Sorcerers/Necromancers, Wyverns, Thieves, Salamanders, Hydra (6-8 Heads), Medusae, Umber Hulks, Rust Monsters, Giant Slug

 33.33% (ML6) Giants, Titan, Hydra (9-12 heads), Golems, Dragons, Basilisks, Gorgons, Fire-Breathing Hydra, Chimeras, Vampires, Hell Hounds, Lords/Paladins, Balrogs, Beholders, Wizards(each will be accompanied by from 1-4 apprentices (Enchanters/Evil Priests) and 1-6 body-guards (levels 4-6) fighter-type.), Evil High Priests (each will be accompanied by from 1-4 apprentices (Enchanters/Evil Priests) and 1-6 body-guards (levels 4-6) fighter-type., Master Thieves, Lich, Purple Worms, Rust Monsters 


 16.66% (ML4)Wraiths, Ogres, Evil Priests, Myrmidons, Giant Beetles, Giant Scorpions, Lycanthropes, Gargoyles, White Apes, Enchanters, Dopplegangers, Pilferers, Shadows, Carnivorous Apes, Owl Bears, Displacer Beasts, Blink Dogs, Phase Spiders, Giant Ticks, Will O’ Wisps, Rust Monsters

33.33% (ML5) Trolls, Ogre Magi, Superheroes/Paladins, Wyverns, Spectres, Mummies, Druids, Hell Hounds, Invisible Stalkers, Minotaurs, Manticores, Lammasu, Cockatrices, Sorcerers/Necromancers, Wyverns, Thieves, Salamanders, Hydra (6-8 Heads), Medusae, Umber Hulks, Rust Monsters, Giant Slug

 33.33% (ML6) Giants, Titan, Hydra (9-12 heads), Golems, Dragons, Basilisks, Gorgons, Fire-Breathing Hydra, Chimeras, Vampires, Hell Hounds, Lords/Paladins, Balrogs, Beholders, Wizards(each will be accompanied by from 1-4 apprentices (Enchanters/Evil Priests) and 1-6 body-guards (levels 4-6) fighter-type.), Evil High Priests (each will be accompanied by from 1-4 apprentices (Enchanters/Evil Priests) and 1-6 body-guards (levels 4-6) fighter-type., Master Thieves, Lich, Purple Worms, Rust Monsters 


 33.33% (ML5) Trolls, Ogre Magi, Superheroes/Paladins, Wyverns, Spectres, Mummies, Druids, Hell Hounds, Invisible Stalkers, Minotaurs, Manticores, Lammasu, Cockatrices, Sorcerers/Necromancers, Wyverns, Thieves, Salamanders, Hydra (6-8 Heads), Medusae, Umber Hulks, Rust Monsters, Giant Slug

 33.33% (ML6) Giants, Titan, Hydra (9-12 heads), Golems, Dragons, Basilisks, Gorgons, Fire-Breathing Hydra, Chimeras, Vampires, Hell Hounds, Lords/Paladins, Balrogs, Beholders, Wizards(each will be accompanied by from 1-4 apprentices (Enchanters/Evil Priests) and 1-6 body-guards (levels 4-6) fighter-type.), Evil High Priests (each will be accompanied by from 1-4 apprentices (Enchanters/Evil Priests) and 1-6 body-guards (levels 4-6) fighter-type., Master Thieves, Lich, Purple Worms, Rust Monsters 


 33.33% (ML5) Trolls, Ogre Magi, Superheroes/Paladins, Wyverns, Spectres, Mummies, Druids, Hell Hounds, Invisible Stalkers, Minotaurs, Manticores, Lammasu, Cockatrices, Sorcerers/Necromancers, Wyverns, Thieves, Salamanders, Hydra (6-8 Heads), Medusae, Umber Hulks, Rust Monsters, Giant Slug

 33.33% (ML6) Giants, Titan, Hydra (9-12 heads), Golems, Dragons, Basilisks, Gorgons, Fire-Breathing Hydra, Chimeras, Vampires, Hell Hounds, Lords/Paladins, Balrogs, Beholders, Wizards(each will be accompanied by from 1-4 apprentices (Enchanters/Evil Priests) and 1-6 body-guards (levels 4-6) fighter-type.), Evil High Priests (each will be accompanied by from 1-4 apprentices (Enchanters/Evil Priests) and 1-6 body-guards (levels 4-6) fighter-type., Master Thieves, Lich, Purple Worms, Rust Monsters 


 16.66% (ML5) Trolls, Ogre Magi, Superheroes/Paladins, Wyverns, Spectres, Mummies, Druids, Hell Hounds, Invisible Stalkers, Minotaurs, Manticores, Lammasu, Cockatrices, Sorcerers/Necromancers, Wyverns, Thieves, Salamanders, Hydra (6-8 Heads), Medusae, Umber Hulks, Rust Monsters, Giant Slug

33.33% (ML6) Giants, Titan, Hydra (9-12 heads), Golems, Dragons, Basilisks, Gorgons, Fire-Breathing Hydra, Chimeras, Vampires, Hell Hounds, Lords/Paladins, Balrogs, Beholders, Wizards(each will be accompanied by from 1-4 apprentices (Enchanters/Evil Priests) and 1-6 body-guards (levels 4-6) fighter-type.), Evil High Priests (each will be accompanied by from 1-4 apprentices (Enchanters/Evil Priests) and 1-6 body-guards (levels 4-6) fighter-type., Master Thieves, Lich, Purple Worms, Rust Monsters 


16.66% (ML5) Trolls, Ogre Magi, Superheroes/Paladins, Wyverns, Spectres, Mummies, Druids, Hell Hounds, Invisible Stalkers, Minotaurs, Manticores, Lammasu, Cockatrices, Sorcerers/Necromancers, Wyverns, Thieves, Salamanders, Hydra (6-8 Heads), Medusae, Umber Hulks, Rust Monsters, Giant Slug

33.33% (ML6) Giants, Titan, Hydra (9-12 heads), Golems, Dragons, Basilisks, Gorgons, Fire-Breathing Hydra, Chimeras, Vampires, Hell Hounds, Lords/Paladins, Balrogs, Beholders, Wizards(each will be accompanied by from 1-4 apprentices (Enchanters/Evil Priests) and 1-6 body-guards (levels 4-6) fighter-type.), Evil High Priests (each will be accompanied by from 1-4 apprentices (Enchanters/Evil Priests) and 1-6 body-guards (levels 4-6) fighter-type., Master Thieves, Lich, Purple Worms, Rust Monsters 


 16.66% (ML5) Trolls, Ogre Magi, Superheroes/Paladins, Wyverns, Spectres, Mummies, Druids, Hell Hounds, Invisible Stalkers, Minotaurs, Manticores, Lammasu, Cockatrices, Sorcerers/Necromancers, Wyverns, Thieves, Salamanders, Hydra (6-8 Heads), Medusae, Umber Hulks, Rust Monsters, Giant Slug

33.33% (ML6) Giants, Titan, Hydra (9-12 heads), Golems, Dragons, Basilisks, Gorgons, Fire-Breathing Hydra, Chimeras, Vampires, Hell Hounds, Lords/Paladins, Balrogs, Beholders, Wizards(each will be accompanied by from 1-4 apprentices (Enchanters/Evil Priests) and 1-6 body-guards (levels 4-6) fighter-type.), Evil High Priests (each will be accompanied by from 1-4 apprentices (Enchanters/Evil Priests) and 1-6 body-guards (levels 4-6) fighter-type., Master Thieves, Lich, Purple Worms, Rust Monsters 


 16.66% (ML6) Giants, Titan, Hydra (9-12 heads), Golems, Dragons, Basilisks, Gorgons, Fire-Breathing Hydra, Chimeras, Vampires, Hell Hounds, Lords/Paladins, Balrogs, Beholders, Wizards(each will be accompanied by from 1-4 apprentices (Enchanters/Evil Priests) and 1-6 body-guards (levels 4-6) fighter-type.), Evil High Priests (each will be accompanied by from 1-4 apprentices (Enchanters/Evil Priests) and 1-6 body-guards (levels 4-6) fighter-type., Master Thieves, Lich, Purple Worms, Rust Monsters 


 Giant Crabs, Giant Leeches, Giant Octopi, Crocodiles, Giant Squids, Sea Monsters, Nixies, Mermen, Tritons, Storm Giant

 Griffons, Pterodactyles, Rocs,  Storm Giant

 Invisible Stalkers,

 Cyborgs, Robots, Androids,

 Shadows, Dopplegangers.

 Homunculi, Golem



Monday, March 28, 2022

2008 Gameplay Video Returns

Someone suggested going through Rumble and slapping parody labels all over it and the music should be fine. Here it is back in its warts and all glory:


This is with the corrected ending:

Tuesday, July 6, 2021


Here is my tribute to Gary Gygax including FIEND FOLIO monsters in the WORLD OF GREYHAWK in my continuing add on TETUTUPHOR the area around T1 THE VILLAGEE OF HOMMLET and T1-4 TEMPLE OF ELEMENTAL EVIL. This is fairly large to format so its in PDF format only:

Thursday, August 6, 2020


Add caption

I've dusted off the old GENE WEIGEL'S DUNGEON forum on Proboards of the 2000s and made it a Q&A for Gene Weigel Games and this Blog's content. If anyone has any suggestions for here or otherwise head over there:

Sunday, December 1, 2019

My BROKEN CASTLE Adventure is now available on Amazon

Its here. The first published adventure for any roleplaying system by yours truly.

Above is the cover image of some of the strange activities going on at the site of an old broken castle.

What weird and new demonic forces walk its crumbling paths?

Amazon has a preview sample.

There are 4 of the 51 new monsters depicted above but all are illustrated.

Thursday, June 13, 2019


 A profaner, Nymus the Rash, wearing the symbol of the Anti-Demon (cf.), cornered in the Dungeons of Skulldon and casting the 1st level profaner alteration spell mechanical fists.


(Swordlands name: FICCUID “FICK-WIT”)

The profaner is a sub-class of cleric. They are a little known counter class to the druids. Whereas a druid views a world of balancing forces, the bizarre profaner purview is a “neutrality” of righteous carnage with no regard for the outcome. The profaners are prosuburbs (non-farming) and pro-fringe (rundown) society as an ideal. Although, a “what will be will be” view is never taken as they are almost always on a collision course with themselves and the world in their constant activity of “poking the dragon”. This doesn’t make them unwise rather the average profaner is more tactical than most classes due to this philosophy of action. Where the druid helps, profaners instead will counter sometimes directly seeming evil but its usually to reserve for a bigger picture. They have their own set of abilities and spells which are somewhere between cleric, druid and magic-user. Note: While profaners seem anti-demihuman, they are not and will employ any nonhuman race with the exception of support while planar traveling to humanless voids (See below under spell casting time).

To become a profaner, a character absolutely must be human (With no room for subclass adaptation as the “magic” partly stems from the aura of humanity.). They must have a minimum wisdom of 15. They also must be very persuasive and have a charisma of 17. If both exceed 17 (18 or over) it adds 10% experience.

The styling of their spells is very antagonistic of druids often garnering the name “anti-druids” in addition to other colorful pejoratives (Druids call them “f*ckwits” in the Swordlands. Mocking the name that they call themselves: The Ficcuids. This term means falsifier and is pronounced FICK-WIT. The term falsifier comes from their anti-druidic sentiments whereas druids were called speakers of the truth.). In urban centers, they are called profaners, as they don’t fit in with the cult edifices of the temple districts, often being found on the edges of metropolitan areas where they meet near farming communities.

As they are different from clerics and druids they have far different standards of gear. The only armor they are allowed to wear is chainmail (“purified” in a 10 hour rite) with no shield and their weaponry must match magic-user’s weapon proficiencies (dagger, dart & staff [UA: also caltrop, knife,& sling.]).

They can use oil and poison (poison use dependent on campaign).

They, like druids, have certain innate abilities unique to the class.

At 1st level:

Sense Non-Neutrals – This gives them a slight feeling that someone is not of neutral alignments

At 2nd level:

Sense Chaos, Evil, Good or Law – This gives the profaner a slight feeling if someone is leaning towards any of those alignments.

Morale Boost – They add 1% to their reaction adjustment every level

At 3rd level:

Detect Exact Alignment - Once per day

At 9th level:

Flesh Golem Form - The profaner can change into a flesh golem. In this shape, their hp remain the same but everything else is as monster.

At 11th level

Clay Golem Form - The profaner can change into a clay golem. In this shape, their hp remain the same but everything else is as monster.

At 14th level:

Stone Golem Form - The profaner can change into a stone golem. In this shape, their hp remain the same but everything else is as monster.

At 18th level:

Iron Golem Form - The profaner can change into a iron golem. In this shape, their hp remain the same but everything else is as monster.

Profaners never speak the languages of nonhumans and favor human languages. They have no secret language and prefer public speaking. Because of this hardheadedness, every 2 levels they gain knowledge of a new human language.

They fight and save as clerics.

They can use magic items allowed for all classes and specifically those for clerics that are not written magic. They are forbidden to touch druid items and vise versa. They can create magic items like clerics and druids.

Unlike druids, they can go up in level unlimited. Upon reaching 20th they are automatically a leader of their faith but leaders can be any level.

They attract followers as a cleric does but they do not develop any constructed temples often having ceremonies in cave complexes or sometimes in the old warehouses of outer wards of cities. Emphasis is usually on garb depicting neutral deities.

Where there is a question they usually follow the guidelines for clerics (and druids), however, unlike those they can drift off their alignment for up to a week. If they do not turn back at the end of the week to Neutral then they lose all function except HD and weapon knowledge.


Experience Points
Experience Level
8-Sided Dice for Accumulated Hit Points
Level Title
Urb Pagan
Fringe Priest
Priest of the Common Man
Priest of the Transformation
Priest of the Outer Unorder
Priest of All Mankind
High Profaner
Great Profaner
Greater Profaner
Greatest Profaner
Servant of the Works
Servant of the Ideas
Servant of the Great Men


Cloud Weather (Divination)

Detect Fire (Divination)

Detect Magic (Divination)

Faerie Motes (Alteration)

Ghost Cart (Alteration)

Ghost Form (Alteration)

Mechanical Fists (Alteration)

Mnemonic Abruption (Alteration)

Name Basis (Divination-Enchantment/Charm)

Nebulize Water (Alteration) Reversible

Rattling Bones (Alteration/Necromancy)

Re-encounter (Enchantment/Charm)


Burn Leather (Alteration)

Detect Area Alchemy (Divination)

Dice of Death (Alteration)

Fire Key (Alteration)

Impetus (Necromantic) Reversible

Mechanical Claws (Alteration)

Plane Wood (Alteration)

Produce Smoke (Alteration)

Remove Foliage (Alteration)

Speak With Personification (Alteration)

Ultra Perception (Alteration)

Weapon Tell (Divination)

Third level spells:

Call Missile (Evocation)

Catalyze Poison (Alteration) Reversible

Column (Alteration)

Door Slam (Alteration)

Feign disease (Necromantic) Reversible

Hold Machinery (Alteration)

Hydro Power (Alteration)

Opening (Alteration)

Protection from Water (Abjuration)

Sea Breathing (Alteration) Reversible

Shade to Glade (Alteration)

Summon Refuse (Alteration/Evocation)

Fourth level Spells:

Big Impetus (Necromantic) Reversible

Dispel Innate Magic (Abjuration)

Men Summoning I (Conjuration/Summoning)

Hallucinatory Haven (Illusion/Phantasm) Reversible

Hold Savages (Enchantment/Charm)

Backstreet Byway (Alteration)

Produce Art (Alteration) Reversible

Protection From Siege Weaponry (Abjuration)

Repel Bugs ( Abjuration-Alteration)

Speak With Gardens (Alteration)

Fifth level Spells:

Stampede (Alteration)

Men Summoning II (Conjuration/Summoning)

Anti-Mechanical Shell (Abjuration)

Commune With Community (Divination)

Portcullis (Alteration)

Insect Aid (Conjuration/Summoning)

Garden gate (Alteration)

Rod to Bod (Alteration/Necromancy)

Transmute Wood to Paper (Alteration) reversible

Wall of Pure Neutrality (Evocation/charm)

Sixth level Spells:

Men Summoning III (Conjuration/Summoning)

Anti-Energy Shell (Abjuration)

Conjure Temporion (Conjuration/Summoning) Reversible

Bigger Impetus (Necromantic) Reversible

Ficklemind (Enchantment/Charm)

Petard of Death (Coniuration)

Transport Via Ore Veins (Alteration)

Turn the Emotionless (Alteration)

Wall of Walls (Conjuration/Summoning)

City of Atrocity (Conjuration/Summoning) Reversible

Seventh level Spells:

Sleeping Juggernaut (Alteration)

Whirlicote of the Death Druid (Evocation)

Moment of Sanctimony (Enchantment/Charm)

Conjure Distinct Temporions (Conjuration/Summoning) Reversible

In the Sun (Alteration)

Creeps (Conjuration/Summoning)

Cling to Life (Enchantment/Charm)

Pits of the Death Druid (Evocation)

Disincarnate( Necromantic)

Transmute Earth to Cement (Alteration)


Spell’s material components are limited to charcoal from rowan trees that are growing on a boulder (greater rowan).

NOTE: If harvested from rowan growing on the ground (lesser rowan) then the spell range is cut to 90%, the duration of the spells is cut to 75% and the area of effect is cut to 50%. If the rowan is rarely growing on another tree the spell effectiveness for all three (range,duration, and area is 150%). If any of the charcoal is not produced by the profaner then effectiveness for range and duration is reduced by -25%.

Greater Rowan Charcoal (Tree on rock-grown)
Greater Rowan Charcoal (Tree on tree-grown)
Lesser Rowan Charcoal (Ground grown)
Greater Rowan Charcoal (Tree on rock-grown) Not harvested by profaner
Greater Rowan Charcoal (Tree on tree-grown) Not harvested by profaner
Lesser Rowan Charcoal (Ground grown) Not harvested by profaner

In humanless voids, like the Inner Planes, profaner’s spellcasting time is doubled unless they are in the presence of 20+ humans.


Cloud Weather (Divination)

Level: 1

Range: 0

Duration: 2 hours/level

Area of Effect: 1 square mile per level

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 3 rounds

Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: When a profaner casts a cloud weather spell they ruin weather divinations in a one square mile area/per level centering on the profaner. For every level of profaner casting the spell (up to 7 casting at once) predictions in range will be ruined by 5% per levels casting distortion (alter numbers).

Detect Fire (Divination)

Level: 1

Range: 0

Duration: 1 round/level

Area of Effect: 2" path 2" Iong/level

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 1 round

Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: This spell gives the profaner the ability to determine the direction and distance of any source of combustion in

the area of effect. Only 2" wide path can be known per round.

Detect Magic (Divination)

Level: 1

Range: 3”

Duration: 1 turn

Area of Effect: 1” path, 3” long

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 1 round

Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: When the detect magic spell is cast, the profaner detects magical radiations in a path 1” wide, and up to 3” long, in the

direction he or she is facing. The caster can turn 60’ per round. Note that stone walls of 1’ or more thickness, solid metal of but 1/12’ thickness, or 3’

or more of solid wood will block the spell.

Faerie Motes (Alteration)

Level: 1

Range: 1”

Duration: 3 rounds/level

Area of Effect: Special

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 1 segment

Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: When the profaner casts a faerie motes spell up to 9 blue lights resembling flame light appear in a 10 foot diameter ring and any who pass through will receive a curse of -1 to their first attack of their next combat. If an object is placed breaking the ring then passage is free of the curse.

Ghost Cart (Alteration)

Level: 1

Components: V, S, M

Range: 4”

Duration: 6 turns + 1 turn per level

Saving Throw: None

Area of Effect: One four wheeled wagon or cart

Casting Time: 1 turn

Explanation/Description: This spell makes a 4 wheeled vehicle follow the caster even uphill but not over terrain rough enough to damage it. It follows the caster at the same movement rate. The caster chooses how far by telling it to stop and then continue.

Ghost Form (Alteration)

Level: 1

Components: V, S, M

Range: 0

Duration: 1 round/level

Area of Effect: Personal

Casting Time: 4 segments

Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: After casting this spell, the profaner becomes a partially concealed see through ghost-like apparition. The degree of concealment is 10% per level (See Concealment in DMG).

Mechanical Fists (Alteration)

Level: 1

Components: V, S, M

Range: 0

Duration: 1 round per level

Saving Throw: None

Area of Effect: Hands of caster

Casting Time: 1 round

Explanation/Description: This spell makes iron gauntlets appear on the hands of the profaner which deliver 1D4+1/per 2 levels for man-sized opponents and 1D2+1/per 2 levels for man-sized opponents

Mnemonic Abruption (Alteration)

Level: 1

Components: V, S, M

Range: 1”

Duration: Permanent

Saving Throw: Neg.

Area of Effect: For every 3 levels the profaner can alter the choice of one memorized duplicate spell of a target.

Casting Time: 3 segments

Explanation/Description: This spell changes what spells have been memorized by a player if doubled or tripled to a randomly rolled spell not memorized.

Name Basis (Divination-Enchantment/Charm)

Level: 1

Range: 1”

Duration: 1 round per levelt

Saving Throw: Neg.

Area of Effect: One human

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 2 segments

Explanation/Description: When the profaner casts this spell, they will know the first name of one selected human in 1” range. This spell does not work on non-humans.

Nebulize Water (Alteration) Reversible

Level: 1

Components: V, S, M

Range: 4"

Duration: Permanent

Saving Throw: None

Area of Effect: 1 cubic foot/level, 1” square area turns into 2 cubic feet of mist, 2” square area

Casting Time: 1 round

Explanation/Description: This spell turns water into mist but only works indoors (unlike the druid class’s obscurement spell cf.). a cubic foot of water per level of the profaner casting the spell changes into a 1” square area of thick fog conceals by 10% per level of the caster (see concealment in DMG).

The reverse of the spell, Fog to Water, turns 1” square area of fog into a cubic foot of water and also works outdoors

Rattling Bones (Alteration/Necromancy)

Level: 1

Components: V, S, M

Range: 4”

Duration: 1 turn

Saving Throw: None

Area of Effect: For every three levels of profaner casting, one body part of a skeleton (head, thorax, abdomen, leg or arm.).

Casting Time: 1 segment

Explanation/Description: This spell alters the nature of one part of a skeleton, either an intact whole or semi-intact section (head, thorax, abdomen, leg or arm.), to vibrate incessantly but not enough to disrupt an animated skeleton.

Re-Encounter (Alteration-Enchantment/Charm)

Level: 1

Components: V, S

Range: 10”

Duration: Instant

Saving Throw: Neg.

Area of Effect: One party

Casting Time: 1 segment

Explanation/Description: This spell alters encounter reaction (DMG pg 63) to be re-rolled as if the first roll was a mistake. Any attack that gets ahead of this negates it.


Burn Leather (Alteration)

Level: 2

Range: 4”

Duration: 7 rounds

Area of Effect: Special

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 4 segments

Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: When the profaner casts this spell it makes all material made of animal products set ablaze. All leather items must save versus magical fire or be destroyed. Anyone wearing leather clothing or leather armor takes 1-4 hit points of damage and anyone wearing leather armor takes 1-8 hit points. If not removed an additional 1-2 hit points of damage per round (NB: According to POLYHEDRON #19 SEPT 1984, it takes 2 rounds to remove leather armor.)

Detect Area Alchemy (Divination)

Level: 2

Range: 0

Duration: 1 turn/level

Area of Effect: 1” path, 2” long/level

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 2 rounds

Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: The profaner, can locate any desired type of man-made modified material (Cement, mortar, treated wood, worked metal, worked stone, etc) that is in a location that is fairly natural seeming (cavern, forest, underwater, etc) not necessarily revealing concealed or secret doors unless they are isolated in natural settings.

Dice of Death (Alteration-Evocation)

Level: 2

Range: 2” radius

Duration: 1-6 segments

Area of Effect: One person

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 4 turns

Saving Throw: Neg.

Explanation/Description: When the profaner casts this spell he rolls a required pair of dice and focuses on one person or monster. The dice vanish as they hit the ground and the subject takes 2D6 damage.

Fire Key (Alteration)

Level: 2

Range: 1”

Duration: 2 rounds + 1 round per level

Area of Effect: 1 torch

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 1 round

Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: This spell cast on the flame of a torch makes a thin quarter inch thick finger of flame spout 12 inches forward. If placed inside a keyhole, it has a chance of breaking the locking mechanism. However, if used on a chest/coffer it may burn the entire chest’s contents.

Impetus (Necromantic) Reversible

Level: I

Components: V, S

Range: Touch

Duration: Permanent

Saving Throw: None

Casting Time: 3 segments

Area of Effect: Character touched

Explanation/Description: When placing on a creature, the

profaner causes 3 hit points of wound or other injury damage to the

creature's body to be healed. It applies to only living creatures. The

reverse, impediment, if a target is touched by the profaner they receive 3 points of damage. It leaves a knife-like wound until healed.

Mechanical Claws (Alteration)

Level: 2

Components: V, S, M

Range: 0

Duration: 1 round per level

Saving Throw: None

Area of Effect: Hands of caster

Casting Time: 2 rounds

Explanation/Description: This spell makes iron gauntlets with sharpened claws appear on the hands of the profaner which delivers 1D6+1/per 2 levels for man-sized opponents and 1D4+1/per 2 levels damage for giant-sized opponents.

Plane Wood (Alteration)

Level: 2

Range: 3"/level

Duration: Permanent

Area of Effect: Special

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 4 turns

Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: The profaner casts this spell to gain construction materials and/or destroy trees. When cast upon healthy trees it converts them into nicely milled boards. The profaner creates a number of “board feet” (1 inch thick and 1 foot square) based on the number of logs yielded from the tree. This is easily reckoned by the chart below (based on real world international measurements). First roll D20 for the diameter of the tree at breast height (DBH) and then roll D8 to see log yield. Trees with known specific sizes must be DM’s judgement.

Included here for reference is a converted to a random chart version (citation included) of the international ¼ inch rule chart for # of boards yielded from a log (Hint if too “numbery” for you just completely ignore and make it up):

Standing Tree Board Foot Volumes—International 1/4-Inch Rule
Dbh (Diameter at Breast Height
[ROLL D20]
Number of 16-Foot Logs (Branch offs upwards of 4 ½ feet are considered additional logs) [ROLL D8]
½ [1] 1 [2] 1-1/2 [3] 2 [4] 2-1/2 [5] 3 [6] 3-1/2[7] 4[8]
Board Feet
12 [1-4] 30 60 80 100 120  [Reroll]  [Reroll]  [Reroll]
14 [5-6] 40 80 110 140 160
 [Reroll]  [Reroll]
16 [7] 60 100 150 180 210 250 280 310
18 [8] 70 140 190 240 280 320 360 400
20 [9] 90 170 240 300 350 400 450 500
22 [10] 110 210 290 360 430 490 560 610
24 [11] 130 250 350 430 510 590 660 740
26 [12] 160 300 410 510 600 700 790 880
28 [13] 190 350 480 600 700 810 920 1,020
30 [14] 220 410 550 690 810 930 1,060 1,180
32 [15] 260 470 640 790 940 1,080 1,220 1,360
34 [16] 290 530 730 900 1,060 1,220 1,380 1,540
36 [17] 330 600 820 1,010 1,200 1,380 1,560 1,740
38 [18] 370 670 910 1,130 1,340 1,540 1,740 1,940
40 [19] 420 740 1,010 1,250 1,480 1,700 1,920 2,160
42 [20] 460 820 1,100 1,360 1,610 1,870 2,120 2,360
From: Ashley, Burl S. 1980. Reference handbook for foresters. USDA NA-FR-15. 35 pp.

Produce Smoke (Alteration)

Level: 2

Range: 0

Duration: 2 rounds/level

Area of Effect: Special

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 5 segments

Saving Throw: Neg.

Explanation/Description: When this spell is cast it takes something could be used as fuel normally and consumes it at a slow rate of one cubic inch every 20 minutes. A billowing smoke emerges from the fuel and anyone failing to save versus poison takes 1D4 damage. The profaner casting this spell is immune to the effects. The smoke can stop billow on command by the caster and will disperse in 2 rounds.

Remove Foliage (Alteration)

Level: 2

Range: 10”

Duration: Permanent

Area of Effect: 4” square +2” square per level

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 2 rounds

Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: When this spell is cast the canopy of a forest is disintegrated. With not a single leaf or twig bigger than finger’s thickness (inch) attached to the trees cast on. Creatures with aversion to sunlight are immediately affected.

Speak With Personification (Alteration)

Level: 2

Components: V, S

Range: 0

Duration: 2 rounds/level

Area of Effect: One animal within 3" radius of cleric

Casting Time: 5 segments

Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: This spell allows the profaner to communicate with the animus of a place. That is the collected impressions of a known area get a kind of intelligence to it. This “intelligence” is very limited and its mostly hearing the echo of someone referring to the place. However there is a second factor to this spell, if a place of human activity has a story or depiction of it anthropomorphized then it gains a viable personality intelligence based on how many years its been considered to feel alive by humans. For every generation (of 25 years) of human activity in and around the area that has a descriptive depiction, the area gains 1 point of intelligence. This lingering spirit will sometimes come across as a feeling but with this spell it can talk possibly for the first time:

0-24 years - Non-intelligent or not ratable - NOTHING

25-49 years - Animal intelligence - BARKING IF DANGER


125-199 years - Low intelligence) TAPPING TO ANSWER SIMPLIFIED QUESTIONS

200-274 years - Average (human) intelligence - TALKING

275-324 years - Very intelligent) TALKING WITH A SMALL OBSERVATION OR TWO

325-374 years - Highly intelligent) TALKING WITH A SMALL OBSERVATION OR TWO FOR A PRICE



475-524 years - Supra-genius) EXPECT ROUTINE PRAISE GIVES DIVINATIONS (as 4th level Cleric spell) ON OTHER AREAS


For every 25 years of no reverence by human activity, it reverses and eventually “dies”. Whatever personality it had is gone.

Note: If an organized religion is revolved around the area that is not involved with the area being alive then the spell caster must make a saving throw versus spells to make it happen.

Ultra Perception (Alteration)

Level: 2

Components: V, S

Range: 1” per level

Duration: 3 rounds/level

Area of Effect: Frontal field of view (roughly 210 degrees) within range

Casting Time: 5 segments

Saving Throw: Neg.

Explanation/Description: The profaner makes 6 inch radius bubbles shoot out from their eyes and everyone that the bubbles attach to becomes +1 to hit regardless of friend or foe if within view of the caster’s eyes. The places the bubbles attach seen magnified. Everyone who fails their saving throw gets 1-6 bubbles attached to them.“Popping” the bubbles takes a segment of time for each bubble and the bonus to hit the victim remains.

Weapon Tell (Divination)

Level: 2

Range: 0

Duration: 2 rounds

Area of Effect: One weapon

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 1 round

Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: The profaner can read a weapon and divine the direction of the origin of its deadliest foe. By touching the working end of a weapon an overwhelming feeling of the general direction and the type of foe that the weapon fought in its greatest battle can be discerned. The caster will see a quick flash of the type of person/monster and somehow know the general direction of their base of operation/home/lair is.

1)INITIAL ORIGIN LOCATION: Use page 173 Appendix B RANDOM WILDERNESS TERRAIN chart. Roll 1D8 (1-Plain,2–Scrub, 3-Forest, 4-Rough, 5-Desert, 6-Hills, 7-Mountains, 8-Marsh) then whatever is indicated roll on that column to determine the specific terrain then 1D100 for the INHABITATION chart on the same page.

2)DUNGEON CHANCE: Roll 1D100 with a 1% for a dungeon. If a ruins 10% chance. If a castle 20% chance. If dungeon indicated skip 3A and got to 3B.

3A)DETERMINE FOE: Use outdoor random encounters 182-194 to find the foe (human or monster, etc.)

3B) DETERMINE DUNGEON LEVEL AND FOE: Use the matrix on page 174 of the DMG. First roll 1D20 for “equivalent level of dungeon” then another 1D20 for determination of what “monster level table to be consulted” then roll on appropriate table for the monster type (pages 175-179).

NOTE: If cast in dungeon go straight to “DETERMINE DUNGEON LEVEL AND FOE”

Third level spells:

Call Missile (Evocation)

Level: 3

components: V, S, M

Range: 0

Casting Time: I turn

Duration: 1 turn/level

Saving Throw:

Area of Effect: 72"diameter

Explanation/Description: When the profaner casts call missile it must be outside

in a sky clear of any weather. A one foot diameter missile is stolen from the shot of an onager (Light catapult) and does 2-20 damage against a small to medium sized opponent and 3-12 damage against a large opponent.The profaner can summon another on after one turn. They can do this as many times up to the amount of levels they have.

Catalyze Poison (Alteration) Reversible

Level: 3

Components: V, S, M

Range: Touch

Duration: Permanent on individuals (1 turn per level on objects)

Saving Throw: None

Area of Effect: Creature touched

Explanation/Description: This spell is similar to the 4th level cleric neutralize poison spell (q.v.). except instead of changing it for the better it changes it for the worse. A second saving throw is required for anyone with poison in their system If cast on a dose of poison then it will last for 1 turn per level. The Reverse transpose poison sends the poison to another creature within a 10 feet radius of the original poisoned creature.

Column (Alteration)

Level: 3

Range: 0

Duration: 6 turns + 1 turn/level

area of Effect: Personal

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 5 segments

Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: When cast on self the profaner becomes a stone column that seems to blend in with the area. They can remove the dweomer at any time. This spell requires an additional material component of a fragment of the room they are in (chip of flooring, wall or ceiling NOT removable objects).

Door Slam (Alteration)

Level: 3

Range: 1” per level

Duration: Permanent

Area of Effect: Up to 5 doors in a 30 feet radius

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 3 segments

Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: When the profaner casts door slam up to 5 doors in a 30 feet radius area are slammed shut with locks, if any, in place as if they were shut with a key (regardless if anyone has the key or not).

Feign disease (Necromantic) Reversible

Level: 3

Components: V, S

Range: Touch

Casting Time: 1 round

Duration: 2 rounds per level

Saving Throw: None

Area of Effect: Creature touched

Explanation/Description: When this spell is cast the profaner changes the appearance of one creature it is touching to seem to be riddled with disease. Clammy sweating, bloodshot and purulent eyes, discoloration, cold limbs and a hot forehead. This spell can be reversed as Feign health where a sick creature appears robust and healthy.

Hold Machinery (Alteration)

Level: 3

Components: V, S

Range: 4"

Duration: 3 rounds/level

Saving Throw: Neg.

Area of Effect: 1” cube area (10 feet by 10 feet by 10 feet)

Explanation/Description: This spell makes anything with moving but non-living parts stop moving. This applies to non-living things like golems and “living” statues.

Hydro Power (Alteration)

Level: 3

Components: V, S, M

Range: 20”"

Casting Time: One round

Duration: One turn per level of the profaner

Saving Throw: None

Area of Effect: 10’ moving “platform” of water or 6 inch wide and 5 feet long tube cylindrical flow from caster’s hand

Explanation/Description: When the profaner casts the hydro power spell it creates a mobile force of water that can carry up to 1500 lbs of weight in a steady central area. If a person sits on it, it feels as if they are held up by the flow of water if they sit steadily. Another use is as a flow coming out of the caster’s hand in an inner to outer cylindrical pattern which can insert pressure into a small hand-sized opening or propel watercraft at a movement rate of 24”. In addition to their standard material components, the profaner also requires a nearby water source of at least a 10 feet cube of water.

Opening (Alteration)

Level: 3

Components: V, S, M

Range: Touch

Casting Time: 1 round

Duration: Permanent

Saving Throw: None

Area of Effect: One cubic foot,

plus one cubic foot per level

Explanation/Description: This spell makes the profaner able to put a hole in anything mundane that they are holding for a round. They can make a window a door depending on what level they are at. If more complex than a simple hole then they must have knowledge of architecture. Otherwise, they may destabilize an indoor area.

Protection from Water (Abjuration)

Level: 3

Components: V, S, M

Range: 0

Casting Time: 1 round

Duration: 1 turn per level

Saving Throw: None

Area of Effect: 1” square around caster

Explanation/Description: By means of this spell the profaner takes all the water out of an area in a 10 feet square cube. Creatures composed of water cannot enter or if already in the space are expelled.

Sea Breathing (Alteration) Reversible

Level: 3

Range: Touch

Duration: 6 turns/level

Area of Effect: Creature touched

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 5 segments

Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: Whoever the profaner casts this on becomes immediately sea worthy and gains the ability to breathe in saltwater. The reverse land breathing enables sea beings (usually flippered) to run on land and breathe air.

Shade to Glade (Alteration)

Level: 3

Range: 14"

Duration: Permanent

Area of Effect: 2" X 2" square

Casting Time: 2 rounds

Components: V, S, M

Saving Throw: Neg. (if sentient plants or mineral creatures)

Explanation/Description: This spell also known as “lawn master” can turn even the thickest expanse of forest into a short grassed rolling open field. All trees and brush are instantly disintegrated. All stones are polished clean with any sharp protrusions dulled. Any sentient being of mineral or plant nature gets a saving throw or takes 2D6 damage.

Summon Refuse (Alteration/Evocation)

Level: 3

Range: 3"

Duration: 1 round/level

Area of Effect: Special

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 1 round

Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: When a summon refuse spell is cast, bits of nearby refuse come flying in the direction that the profaner points towards. The refuse is always local and dependent on the quality of the trash can be quite foul smelling. It is usually not directly harmful (20% chance of sharp objects which do 1-2 damage per round) but a saving throw must be made versus poison to see if anyone contracts a disease. Also the smell will attract monsters.

Fourth level Spells:

Men Summoning I (Conjuration/Summoning)

Level: 4

Range: 4"/level

Duration: Special

Area of Effect: Special

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 1 round

Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: When casting this spell the profaner makes a strange sounding but convincing universal call out to all mankind to stand up to the great unknowns of the wilderness where they come together united for their own independence.

The targets can be anything dangerous seeming that the profaner chooses as the enemy. The selection of conjured humans is at random. Specifically, the profaners calls forth various “men” types. Usually 44-53 (1D10+43) in number but for certain others there is a limit: Amazons (12), cavemen (18) and tribesmen (24).

In settlements, they will be

Thorp/hamlet/Village: laborer, merchant, tradesman (standard hirelings)

Town/City: Beggar, laborer, mercenary, merchant, good pilgrim, tradesman (standard hirelings).

In dungeons, they will be bandits, berserkers or brigands.

Outdoors in the wilderness , local types:

Arctic: Tribesmen

Subarctic: Tribesmen (except mountains)

Temperate/Subtropical Uninhabited: Bandit, berserker (except forest, desert, marsh), brigand, dervish (except marsh), merchant, nomad (except mountain, marsh), pilgrim, tribesmen (except desert)

Temperate/Subtropical Inhabited and/or Patrolled: Bandit, berserker, brigand, dervish(except marsh), merchant(except marsh),nomad(except forest, mountain, marsh),pilgrim

Faerie/Sylvan: Bandit, dervish, pilgrim, tribesmen

Pleistocene: Cavemen (except plain, scrub, marsh)

Age of Dinosaurs: Nonetheless

Tropical Uninhabited: bandit (except marsh), dervish(except scrub, forest, marsh), merchant(except forest,marsh), nomad(except scrub,forest or marsh), pilgrim(except plain, scrub, forest, marsh), tribesmen (except plain, desert)

Waterborne Freshwater (Small Body of Water): None

Waterborne Freshwater (Large Body of Water): Buccaneer, merchant, pirate

Waterborne Saltwater (Coast, Shallows, Inland Sea): Buccaneer, merchant, pirate, pirate (tribesmen with small craft)

Waterborne Saltwater(Deep Water): Buccaneer, merchant, pirate

There is a 3% chance of amazons (See Polyhedron #22 MAR 1985 for more on MEN, Amazon by E. Gary Gygax),

All “men” are 0 level with the exception of amazons, cavemen and tribesmen who are HD4/HD2/HD1 respectively. The 0 level “men” are are 1-6 hp except berserkers which are 2-7 hp.

The summoned will attack any suspicious non-human creature at random especially if they’re woodland or sylvan seeming. Demi-humans should be okay if they stick close to a human.

Big Impetus (Necromantic) Reversible

Level: I

Components: V, S

Range: Touch

Duration: Permanent

Saving Throw: None

Casting Time: 6 segments

Area of Effect: Character touched

Explanation/Description: Like the other profaner spell impetus (q.v.), when placing on a creature, the profaner causes 6 hit points of wound or other injury damage to the creature's body to be healed. It applies to only living creatures. The reverse, big impediment, if a target is touched by the profaner they receive 6 points of damage. It leaves a knife-like wound until healed.

Dispel Innate Magic (Abjuration)

Level: 4

Components: V, S, M

Range: 8"

Duration: One round + 1 per level

Saving Throw: Neg.

Area of Effect: 3" radius

Explanation/Description: This spell is not the same as other forms of Dispel Magic, When a profaner casts this spell, it neutralizes or negates the magic it comes in contact with as follows:

A dispel innate magic, like other forms of dispel magic, will not affect a specially enchanted item such as a scroll, magic ring, wand, rod, staff, miscellaneous magic item, magic weapon, magic shield, or magic armor, but unlike other versions will not affect magic potions or remove spells cast upon persons or objects, or

counter the casting of spells in the area of effect.

Dispel innate magic counters spell-like abilities in the area of effect. The base chance of success is 100% if the creature has magic resistance then subtract the magic resistance making the remainder its chance of innate spell failure (example: a creature such as a satyr with 50% magic resistance would be 100%-50%=50% making their ability to play a pipe and cause fear, charm or sleep a 50% chance with each attempt. Note: the satyr gets his normal chance of magic resistance as usual to prevent this all from happening.).

Hallucinatory Haven (Illusion/Phantasm) Reversible

Level: 4

Components: V, S, M

Range: 10"

Casting Time: 6 segments

Duration: Permanent

Saving Throw: None

Area of Effect: 8" square/level

Explanation/Description: This spell creates the illusion of the overworked world of mankind. It will create farms and houses and roads and fortresses in the distance. Any civilized beings including demihumans, except barbarians and druids, will recognize it for what it is. All others will believe it is there and will be immediately startled if not from civilized areas. The illusion will stay in place unless dispelled by caster with a reverse of the spell. The area can be any shape and will adapt other wilderness features into it to seem more believable.

Hold Savages (Enchantment/Charm)

Level: 4

Range: 8"

Duration: I round/level

Area of Effect: Special

Casting Time: 6 segments

Components: V, S, M

Saving Throw: Neg.

Explanation/Description: The hold savages spell affects crude humans (5-7 intelligence) and most (not all) giant class humanoids and human-like creatures as well as some others:

annis*, azer*, banderlog*, boggle, carnivorous ape, bugbear*, bullywug*, centaur*, crabman, cyclopskin*, dire corby, ettercap, ettin, firenewt, gargoyle, fire giant*, frost giant*, hill giant, gibberling, gnoll*, goblin*, gorilla bear, greenhag*, grig, hook horror, kelpie, kobold*, lizardmen*, marlgoyle, meazel, minotaur, mite, needleman, ogre, aquatic ogre(merrow)*, ogrillon, ophidian(snakemen)*, orc, quaggoth, qullan, shade*, shambling mound, snyad, sussurus, taer, tasloi*, terithran, troglodyte, troll, giant troll, marine troll (scrag)*, umpleby, vegepygmy. Note the monstrous humanoids must be of low intelligence (some included here have a spectrum of INT marked with an asterisk. Only those with low INT are affected.)

Backstreet Byway (Alteration)

Level: 4

Range: Touch

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 6 segments

Duration: 1 turn/level

Area of Effect: special

Explanation/Description: By means of this spell, the profaner opens a magical portal or

passageway, for themselves alone, through buildings in an urban area creatiing a temporary alleyway in another dimension. If the building that the portal is made through is destroyed then whoever is in the portal is automatically destroyed. The duration of the spell is 1 turn per level of experience of the profaner.

Produce Art (Alteration) Reversible

Level: 4

Range: 4"

Duration: 7 round

Area of Effect: 72'square

Explanation/Description: By means of this spell the profaner can make an instant work of art out of target individual. They must save versus spells or be trapped inside the dimensions of a work of art in their image. Depending on the material component. A bit of pigment will make a painting on either a wall or a supplied piece of wood or stretched canvas. A chisel will carve a human figure out of a human-proportioned block of stone or if a wall it will make a bas-relief.

The reverse of this spell Art to Life will make the subject(s) of the art attack anyone the caster points at. They will have altogether 8 HD (Example: 1 subject worth 8 HD, or 4 subjects worth 2 HD or 4 subjects with 2 worth 3HD & 2 worth 1HD, etc)

Protection From Siege Weaponry (Abjuration)

Level: 4

Components: V, S, M

Range: Touch

Casting Time: 6 segments

Duration: Special .

Saving Throw: None

Area of Effect: Creature touched

Explanation/Description: This profaner spell is similar to the 3rd level magic-user spell but it is reversed in that it only allows missiles of 10 points of damage or less. Anything higher that is non-magical can only deliver 10 points.

Repel Bugs ( Abjuration-Alteration)

Level: 4

Range: 0

Duration: 7 turn/level

Area of Effect: 70' radius of the caster

Saving Throw: None

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 6 segments

Explanation/Description: This spell is similar to the druid spell repel insects except in that it creates an invisible barrier but in addition to insects of the normal kind it includes all normal arthropods which includes arachnids, myriapods, and similar creatures. It does not include any of the giant variety.

Speak With Gardens (Alteration)

Level: 4

Range: 0

Duration: 2 rounds/level

Area of Effect: 4" diameter circle

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 6 turns

Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: Similar to the 4th level cleric and 4th level druid spell speak with plants with the above differences and also it only applies to plants that are taken care of either in a garden or a regularly groomed lawn or pollarded trees. Specifically in regards to tangles, thickets and vines they have to be well groomed for them to listen so it is unlikely that they will be blocking or slowing anyone down.

Fifth level Spells:

Stampede (Alteration)

Level: 5

Range: 8"

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 2 rounds

Duration: 2 round/level

Area of Effect: All animals in 1 mile radius

Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: When the profaner casts this spell all animals in a one mile radius run in the direction pointed by the caster. 25% chance for herd animals in the stampede (See MONSTER MANUAL HERD ANIMAL).

Men Summoning II (Conjuration/Summoning)

Level: 5

Range: 6"/level

Duration: Special

Area of Effect: Special

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 7 segments

Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: This spell is the same in duration and effect as

the 4th level men summoning I spell, except that the usual numbers will be 87-96 (1D10+86) in number and limits are: Amazons (24), cavemen (36) and tribesmen (48).

Anti-Mechanical Shell (Abjuration)

Level: 5

Range: 0

Casting Time: 7segments

Duration: One turn/level

Area of Effect: 10' diameter hemisphere

Components: V, S, M

Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: This hemisphere created by the profaner is similar to the druid spell anti-plant shell (cv) in that it creates an invisible barrier however it keeps out anything of a mechanical nature such as golems, automata, living statues, etc. . It also repels missiles of man-made construction including all weaponry that is crafted even slings with common stone and siege devices.

Commune With Community (Divination)

Level: 5

Range: 0

Duration: Special

Area of Effect: Special

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 7 turn

Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: The commune with community spell enables the profaner to get the gossip of a civilized settlement on the edge of a wilderness. It does not function in unpopulated wilderness or in settled areas with over a 1000 in population. For every level of the profaner they will know 1 piece of gossip or rumor of the region.

Portcullis (Alteration)

Level: 5

Components: V, S, M

Range: 0

Casting Time: 2 segments

Duration: 1 turn/level

Saving Throw: Neg.

Area of Effect: One at least 10’ by 10’ up to 40’ by 40’

Explanation/Description: This spell creates a portcullis in an archway. Anyone standing directly below it when it shuts (1 in 10 chance for humanoid and 1 in 2 chance for long-bodied creatures or those whose frame is in a recumbent position lying laterally on either side) will take 2-12 damage.

Insect Aid (Conjuration/Summoning)

Level: 5

Range: Immediate group

Duration: 1 round per level

Area of Effect: 1” radius

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: I turn

Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: When the profaner casts this spell a swarm of poison stinging insects comes and surrounds their allies in a 10 feet radius circle. For every 3 rounds in the swarm the allies take 1 point of damage from the stings but something transformative happens. They become more aware of their enemies and get +2 to hit for each round and are able to attack those only hit by magical weapons. However unlikely most methods of dismissal for the insect plague spell apply here: Heavy smoke (drive off within bounds), and fire (drive/keep away). Excepting direct harm spells like fireball/lightning/ice/cold/gas will keep them out of the area for 1 turn. Also not unlike the insect plague spell, if a dispel magic is cast upon the place of conjuration it is countered.

Garden Gate (Alteration)

Level: 5

Components: V, S, M

Range: Touch

Casting Time: 7segments

Duration: Special

Saving Throw: None

Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: This spell if cast upon a garden or garden-like area (arboretum, nursery, park, etc) allows the profaner to move into another area some distance away. The only requirement is knowledge of the destination and distance by type:

Public Garden 60"

Park 54"

Arboretum/Botanical Garden 48"

Nursery 42"

Private garden 36"

Walled Private Garden 30"

Glasshouse 24"

Walled Glasshouse 1 8

The area that the profaner enters must be a door, gate, hedge opening, end of a pergola or an arbor.

Rod to Bod (Alteration/Necromancy)

Level:5 .

Components: V, S, M

Range: 4"

Casting Time: 7segments

Duration: 2 rounds/level

Saving Throw: None

Area of Effect: 1"cube

Explanation/Description: This spell turns a club, staff or any non-magical wooden blunt weapon into a juju zombie that will do as the caster commands. An additional material component is needed and it must be a piece, however small, of a human who is deceased, not an undead already and not cremated or buried yet. Upon creation of the juju zombie, the remains, where ever they are, are consumed and vanish. Juju zombies created with this spell will have have a wooden appearance and an effective AC that is one better than the average juju zombie (5).

Transmute Wood to Paper (Alteration) reversible

Level: 5

Components: V, S, M

Range: 16"

Casting Time: 7 segments

Duration: Special

Saving Throw: None

Area of Effect: 2" cube/level

Explanation/Description: When cast by the profaner this makes any wood (living or treated) turn into 2 dimensional paper. It includes all devices and vehicles (Save vs magic if magical). If the paper is damaged in any way then the wood’s structure is destroyed when the magic removed. However it can be used for firewood in the same volume. The reverse paper to wood will fill out a paper cut out/drawing to a believable and proportional size but not functional. Example: a drawn on door will be non-functional.

Wall of Pure Neutrality (Evocation/charm)

Level: 5

Range: 4"

Duration: Concentration only

Area of Effect: 1” square per caster level or radius “ per 2 levels

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 7segments

Saving Throw: neg.


This spell creates a shimmering wall of energy that radiates all the colors of the Outer Planes. Any who walk through must save versus magic or have their alignment temporarily changed at random one degree away (example chaotic good turns either CN, N, or NG). Religious types (Clerics/druids/paladins/profaners) have +2 to save. After the first 5 rounds of concentrating, the victims have to repeat the save or be permanently altered in alignment.

Sixth level Spells:

Men Summoning III (Conjuration/Summoning)

Level: 5

Range: 8"/level

Duration: Special

Area of Effect: Special

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 7 segments

Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: This spell is the same in duration and effect as the 4th level men summoning I spell, except that the usual numbers will be 130-139 (1D10+129) in number and limits are: Amazons (36), cavemen (54) and tribesmen (72).

Anti-Energy Shell (Abjuration)

Level: 6

Range: 0

Duration: I round/level

Area of Effect: 10' diameter hemisphere

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 2 rounds

Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: When this spell is cast a hemisphere is created that halves the power of anything requiring energy that enters into the dome. Damage is halved for anything that does damage, effects of anything is halved, etc. An extra material component is required of this spell is shattering an oil lamp over the area desired of which all shards (glass, clay, etc; no metal lamps) are consumed.

Conjure Temporion (Conjuration/Summoning) Reversible

Level: 6

Range: 8"

Duration: 3 turns/level

Area of Effect: Special

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 6 rounds

Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: At the finish of this conjuring, 10 temporions (c.f.) will appear from the Concordant Opposition through a gated tunnel. The profaner must immediately order the temporions or they will attack the caster. Once ordered, the temporions will do as they are commanded then after an interval of 2 rounds they will immediately assume their initial alignment (See temporion monster for more) where they will decide if what they’re doing fits their new outlook. Most profaners use this as a “fire and forget” type spell and leave immediately as it can backfire. The reverse spell dismiss temporions requires an additional miniature bucket of water thrown in their general direction. This spell is not possible to cast underwater unless the caster is standing in an air pocket. The temporions are unaffected by conjuring in the water.

Note: This spell reverse dismiss temporions does not work on temporions summoned by the 7th level profaner spell conjure distinct temporions.

Bigger Impetus (Necromantic) Reversible

Level: 6

Components: V, S, M

Range: Touch

Casting Time: 8 segments

Duration: Permanent

Saving Throw: None

Area of Effect: Creature touched

Explanation/Description: Similar to the other impetus profaner spells (q.v.) but cause 9 points of wound or other injury damage the creature’s body to be healed. This spell requires a rowan charcoal material component unlike the other impetus spells. The reverse bigger impediment

Ficklemind (Enchantment/Charm)

Level: 6

Components: V, S, M

Range: 16"

Duration: Permanent

Saving Throw: Neg.

Area of Effect: One creature

Casting Time: 8 segments

Explanation/Description: This profaner spell makes the subject become less like their alignment by random determination

1 = Chaotic Good

2 = Chaotic Neutral

3 = Chaotic Evil

4 = Neutral Evil

5 = Lawful Evil

6 = Lawful Neutral

7 = Lawful Good

8 = Neutral Good

9-10 = Neutral

If roll is same as current alignment add “5”.

Clerics, druids, paladins and profaners get a plus to their saving throws of +1. It can be dismissed by heal, bigger impetus, restoration or wish.

Petard of Death (Conjuration)

Level: 6

Range: 4"

Duration: Special

Saving Throw: ½

Area of Effect: Special

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: I round/bullet

Explanation/Description: This creates an explosive bomb out of a container of water (jug, barrel, wineskin, etc) that does 8D8 damage. Alternately, it can be cast on smaller flasks: 2 for 4D8 damage, 4 for 2D8 damage, or 8 for1D8 damage. The magic stays as long as the profaner has levels.

Level: 6

Range: Touch

Transport Via Ore Veins (Alteration)

Duration: Special

Area of Effect: Special

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 3 segments

Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: Through use of this spell the profaner is able to enter into a mined but natural stone face and travel along the deposits of minerals and exit in a mine of similar nature as the mineral entered. If a particular mine is desired then that can be reached as well. However if the specific destination has been tapped out then the spell fails and the profaner must return the way they came. If the mineral vein is harmed (Earthquake, xorn feeding, etc) then the profaner takes the appropriate damage in real space.

Turn the Emotionless (Alteration)

Level: 6

Range: 3”

Duration: Special

Area of Effect: Special

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 8 segments

Saving Throw: Neg.

Explanation/Description: When the profaner casts this spell they can turn creatures that are automatons or non-living matter (excluding sentient undead) similar in the way that a cleric can turn the undead. They can turn 1-12 zombies or skeletons, 1-6 lesser automata or 1-2 golems.

Type of Mindless
Lesser Automata**


*Number affected 7-12 instead of 1-12

**Non-golems usually including lesser golems like stone guardians, pillar golems, etc

Wall of Walls (Conjuration/Summoning)

Level: 6

Range: 8"

Duration: 1 tum/level

Area of Effect: 1" square/level of 1 foot thickness

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 8 segments

Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: This creates a barrier of thick dressed stone (ashlar blocks/dungeon walls) of 1’ thick that are in dimension 1” square per level of caster. (Example: An 11th level caster can make an 110 foot wall, etc.) This wall will duplicate any paint or veneer of nearby masonry . Also the caster can double it up to 10 feet thickness.

A dwarf will automatically know its magic however.

City of Atrocity (Conjuration/Summoning) Reversible

Level: 6

Components: V, S, M

Range: 0

Casting Time: 1 turn

Duration: Special

Saving Throw: None

Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: When this spell is cast, a darkened sky comes over a civilized region. In the distance, thunder is heard but the lightning and rain never comes. All morale scores of base 50% are treated as base 5% while this is going on. Otherwise, it relies on superstition, mob rule and general stupidity for one of the followings things to to happen:

Roll 1D20

1) Disease

2) Food shortage

3) Peasant revolt

4) Declaration of war with former allies

5) Death of a popular figure

6) Death of a supportive figure

7) Death of popular animal

8) Death of a beloved leader

9) Broken defensive alliance

10) Usually quiet monsters prey on populace

11) Evil artifact discovered

12) Religious overreach

13) Good artifact lost

14) Politics kills good law

15) Humans prey on populace

16) New encroaching monster type(s)

17) Demi-humans turn away from humans

18) Surrender to another nation

19) Alliance of nearby humanoid raiders

20) Incoming hostile army/navy

This lasts for the profaner’s level times 1D6 hours. If any weather related magic is cast this spell is dispelled. This spell is reversible and called city of felicity where the sky turns bright blue and sunny and music is playing off in the distance somewhere. The morale of an area increases to base 95% and randomly:

Roll 1D20

1) More activity

2) Exotic imports increase

3) Impromptu fair is declared

4) Declaration of peace with old foes

5) New popular public figures

6) New supportive public figures

7) New popular animal

8) Birth in the family of a beloved leader

9) New defensive alliance

10) Declaration of monster extinction

11) Good artifact discovered

12) Religious goodness and tolerance

13) Good artifact found

14) Politics kills bad law

15) Well known murderers executed

16) New sharing monster type(s)

17) Demi-humans celebrate humanity

18) Enemy nation surrenders

19) Broken alliance of nearby humanoid raiders

20) Incoming friendly merchants from new trade areas

Seventh level Spells:

Sleeping Juggernaut (Alteration)

Level: 7

Range: Touch

Casting Time: 9 segments

Duration: Dormant and then 3 rounds

Area of Effect: 2 or more columns in a 6” square area

Components: V, S, M

Saving Throw: Neg.

Explanation/Description: When the profaner casts this spell on a series of columns, of the pole and lintel type, they become a spring-loaded trap. Whenever someone crosses in front of them the columns drop to the ground and start rolling over each other. Any caught in the midst of it will take 8D6 damage

Whirlicote of the Death Druid (Evocation)

Level: 7

Range: 1”

Duration: 6 turns + 1 tum/level

Area of Effect: Special

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: I turn

Saving Throw: None


This spell creates a royal horse carriage pulled by four dark horses. It all radiates darkness just as if it was projecting outwards like light. It can move at 30” on roads or off roads. Any who approach this carriage and are not the designated allied passengers must save versus death or take 2D6 points of damage. This repeated for every round.

Carriage & Horses each: AC: 2/HP: 30/DPV*: 12

*DPV=Defensive Point Value

Moment of Sanctimony (Enchantment/Charm)

Level: 7

Range: 4"

Duration: One round

Area of Effect: One person

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 12 segments

Saving Throw: Neg.

Explanation/Description: This spell causes the subject to feel morally superior to his companions. If any have pushed the envelope in regards to moral norms the subject of this spell will attack them immediately.

Conjure Distinct Temporions (Conjuration/Summoning) Reversible

Level: 7

Range: 8"

Duration: 1 turn/level

Area of Effect: Special

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 1 turn

Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: This is exactly the same as the 6th level profaner spell conjure temporions except all of the temporions summoned are of a single , shared and specific alignment (the caster’s choice) for up to three hours then its back to their regular routine (See Temprion monster).

The reverse dismiss distinct temporions works with this and the 6th level spell bu not vise versa. The reverse of the 6th level spell does not dismiss aligned temporions summoned with this spell.

In the Sun (Alteration)

Level: 7

Range: 0

Duration: 4-48 hours

Area of Effect: 2-16 square miles

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 5 turns (reverse is an entire day ritual)

Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: This spell turns inclement weather extremely fair. However, they cannot counter cleric and druid weather magics (but works against magic-user magics). The reverse Into Darkness has a random overcast bad weather with heavy precipitation of the type of the season.

Creeps (Conjuration/Summoning)

Level: 7

Range: 0

Duration: Special

Area of Effect: Special

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 9 segments

Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: When the profaner uses this spell it summons men of the normal variety like the men summoning (I,II, & III) but they can be mixed of different local varieties at random. There will be 259-268 (1D10+258) “men” in number. They will all be fringe personalities of an evil sort united in their hatred of everything and all things good:

The list of the 4th level spell is repeated with some modifications (those listed that are normally “neutral” are presented here as evil-leaning:


Thorp/hamlet/Village: laborer, merchant, tradesman (standard hirelings)

Town/City: Bandit, beggar, brigand, laborer, mercenary, merchant, evil pilgrim, press gang member, ruffian, tradesman.

Dungeons: Bandits, berserkers or brigands.


Arctic: Tribesmen

Subarctic: Tribesmen (except mountains)

Temperate/Subtropical Uninhabited: Bandit, berserker (except forest, desert, marsh), brigand, merchant, nomad (except mountain, marsh), evil pilgrim, tribesmen (except desert)

Temperate/Subtropical Inhabited and/or Patrolled: Bandit, berserker, brigand, merchant(except marsh), nomad(except forest, mountain, marsh), evil pilgrim

Faerie/Sylvan: Bandit, evil pilgrim, tribesmen

Pleistocene: Cavemen (except plain, scrub, marsh)

Age of Dinosaurs: None

Tropical Uninhabited: bandit (except marsh), merchant(except forest,marsh), nomad(except scrub,forest or marsh), evil pilgrim(except plain, scrub, forest, marsh), tribesmen (except plain, desert)

Waterborne Freshwater (Small Body of Water): None

Waterborne Freshwater (Large Body of Water): Buccaneer, merchant, pirate

Waterborne Saltwater (Coast, Shallows, Inland Sea): Buccaneer, merchant, pirate, pirate (tribesmen with small craft)

Waterborne Saltwater(Deep Water): Buccaneer, merchant, pirate

There is only a 1% chance of evil amazons.

Otherwise refer to 4th level profaner spell men summoning I.

Cling to Life (Enchantment/Charm)

Level: 7

Range: Touch

Duration: One turn

Saving Throw: None

Area of Effect: One creature

Components: V, S, M

Casting Time: 2 segments

Explanation/Description: This slap on a “one turn fresh” corpse immediately brings back one fallen ally for one more attack with temporary 1D6 hit points above zero which last 2 rounds.

Pits of the Death Druid (Evocation)

Level: 7

Range: 8"

Casting Time: 2 rounds

Duration: One turn

Area of Effect: 1-6 ten feet diameter pits one hundred feet deep

Components: V, S, M

Saving Throw: Initial save negates then ½ for each fire pass

Explanation/Description: This spell also known as Crovildes bane or Chern’s Pits creates 1D6 100 feet deep pits that are ringed with fire blasts at ten feet intervals doing 1D6 each. Falling damage is as for 100’ fall. (10D6 classic AD&D; 55D6 World of Greyhawk cf.DRAG#70 FEB 1983.).

Disincarnate( Necromantic)

Level: 7

Components: V, S, M

Range: Touch

Casting Time: 1 turn

Duration: Permanent

Saving Throw: None

Area of Effect: Person touched

Explanation/Description: Profaners can bring a dead being back to life but they will look like another completely unknown random human. However, this is only if they are neutral in alignment. Any other alignment and the effects are horrifying. The “disincarnated” person becomes an exact duplicate of their lover or their enemy depending on how intense their feelings are.

Transmute Earth to Cement (Alteration)

Level: 7

Components: V, S, M

Range: 10”

Casting Time: 7 segments

Duration: Permanent

Saving Throw: None

Area of Effect: One patch of earth 1” square per level

Explanation/Description: The transmute earth to cement spell turns the ground into solid concrete of 1 foot deep in 1” square areas per level of caster.